PCS Black 14 € 90

Offre valable sur les cartes PCS Express

Who are you?
Date of birth
This email address has to be validated as it will be used to follow up on your file and to contact you.

The data collected as part of your card order is mandatory and is essential to manage your request. They are automatically processed by PCS and its subcontractors, only for the purpose of finalising your request. Your data may be kept for a maximum of one year for probative purposes. At the end of this period, they will be kept anonymised and kept for statistical and study purposes. In the context of your exchanges with PCS, your telephone records and chats are recorded for probative and quality control purposes. In accordance with the applicable regulations, you have a right of access, rectification, erasure, opposition for legitimate reasons, limitation of processing, subject to proving your identity. The procedures for exercising these rights are described in the email you will receive as part of your request to open an account. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.